Reading Wendell Berry in a Starbucks is so ironic it hurts. Eating Cheez-Its and reading W.B is much more my speed, as far as irony goes.
The little boy sitting at the next table over is eating the whipped cream out of his drink with his fingers. I'm so impressed and his mother doesn't seem bothered by it at all. She just keeps singing alond to some classic R&B song. "Hey Mister Postman," I think. I'm drinking my favorite, sugar-filled Starbucks concoction. If you ever want to try it; Chai Tea Latte w/ a single pump of chocolate-mocha-syrup-stuff and a dash of cinnamon. It IS going to rot my teeth right out of my noggin, but its comfortingly thick, hot and sweet.
And it is SNOWING outside! I couldn't be happier. Just one big, fluffy, flurry of snow flakery. Sidewalks are treacherous and the drivers are a little twitchy on the road, but I'm all iPod-music swagga' and winter spirit.
I even forgot for a moment that this trip through America's major cities is going to leave me broke-tee-broke. I'll be rocking the PB&J-diet for about a month upon my return to Boston.
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If anyone can explain to me why Hurricane Katrina was in the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" I will be grateful. Furthermore, if you can convince me its inclusion was a good idea, I will give you $100, American.
David Fincher, you made the beautiful people even more beautiful. They were, also, emotionally incomprehensible.
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New York tomorrow. A convoluted path through public transit to get to Manhattan from JFK. By myself, with two big-'ole bags. Could be interesting. I'm a tad nervous, to be honest.
Then a few days staying with some wildly wealthy friends of my dad. I'm curious to see what that's like. Could be awesome. Could be uber-weird.
But this is all about the adventure, right? All about the adventure, yes.
Got any NYC musts? Let me know.
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