I'm waiting, in the cold, outside of what used to be the Selwyn Theater. It is now rather vulgarly named the "American Airlines Theater," and I'm hoping to buy some rush tickets for tonight performance of Hedda Gabler. It's an Ibsen play about a strong willed woman who's conflicted nature about her own best interest lead her into a trap of a marriage. Its starring Mary-Louise Parker, as you can see above. MLP is delightful and ought to be seen being so, so I though the tickets a must have. (On a scale of 1-gay, how was that previous sentence?) Besides, the damn things are only 21.50 if you can get your hands on them. And since I was one of 3 people waiting for tickets, my odds seemed pretty damn good.
I strolled past the theater, initially, since no one else was there waiting (I was, after all, there nearly an hour before the box office opened. I can be thorough that way.) I went into a starbucks and ordered a double shot latte, in hopes it would taste like a latte...well, anywhere else. No such luck. Triple, next time I'm reduced to Starbucks, it seems. If I'm going to have coffee, I'd prefer it taste like...well, coffee, yes? (Note: Pete's suffers no such scorn from me. Sufficiently potent, I find their lattes.) In any case, I've consumed my low-fat coffee cake and I'm sipping my coffee, leaning against the entrance to the AA theater, when a lincoln towncar pulls up. Black, with tinted windows, no less. I'm curious who might be piling out. This is near Times Square and Broadway, after all.
A large coat and a pair of awful lime-green-and-gold track pants unfolds from the back seat, and when the hood raises up, I see a familiar face. More focused and stern than I usually see it, but its unmistakable. I watch as Will Ferrell walks past my right shoulder and into the studio building next door. Its then that I recall he has a show opening on Broadway in 10 days or so. I walked around the block later and snapped a shot so you could all enjoy its pithy title:
So, I'm thinking, "well, not even 24 hours in New York and I manage a celebrity sighting! Isn't that something!" I finish my weak-ass latte, and walk over to throw away the cup. I stroll back, and lean again against the doors of the theater. A pretty brunette woman walks out of the cafe-type restaurant next to the AA theater and I recognize her too! It's Lauren Graham, who (as you should all know!) played the mother on Gilmore Girls, which is among my favoritest shows ever. She actually looks at me, so I attempt my best "yes, I know who you are. Yes, I know you're awesome and why. No, I won't bug you, but thanks for existing!" nod-and-smile. I hope it was effective. She, too, went into the studio space next door. I proceeded to plotz.
Oh yeah, and I got the cheap-ass tickets to Hedda Gabler and then went to see it last night. Quite good. New translation was lively and MLP was a delight. The woman who played Julianne Tesman (Helen Carey) was also very good. In fact, probably the best actor in the show, if not as mesmerizing as the lead. I'm always amazed at what sort of a production one can create with that sort of money to throw at a show. Hedda's wardrobe was outstanding. Totally magnificent. (Seriously...so gay. How did my penis miss the memo? One wonders.)
Oh, I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed. I'll either update this entry or post another one tomorrow. G'night from the Big Apple
1 comment:
I read recently that Lauren Graham is playing Adelaide in Guys in Dolls on Broadway!!! You probably saw her on her way to rehearsal or somewhere equally glamorous! That's amazingly exciting!
P.S. I just - like, within the past hour - finished Gilmore Girls. I didn't expect to love the 7th season since the Amy Sherman-Palladino left after 6th but wow ... just wow. The finale made me weep and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Can we schedule a Gilmore Girls gush session during our next phone conversation? :-)
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