Conversely, and with likewise misfortune, a task which I have no earthly idea how to approach is rarely completed. Indeed, even begun!
And though I do spend a lot of time on facebook, I actually spend a remarkable amount of time...well, you know; doing things.
What sorts of things? I'm glad you asked.
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The Smart Set is the tentative name for the new music project I'm embarking on with my boy, Johnny B. We're aiming for a 5 song e.p. in the next few months. Songs that tell stories, basically. Attempts at humanizing our concepts through lyric and melody.
Our first task is to address commerce as a motivating principle of personal identity. Here goes...
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Accompanying the above is an attempt to work out a theoretical apparatus for how narrative is pragmatically more persuasive than "pure" argument in human life and especially human life together or what we vulgarly call "politics." I've hinted at it here before, but what is fundamentally necessary for action is faith. The mimetic (imitative, in a sense) nature of narration and the faith required to engage a narrative premise more closely access the sort of being that chooses its actions for reasons. The reasons are not always explicit and almost never simple or direct, but can be communicated in a holistic and felt way through the tactics of fictive persuasion, which are multiple and simultaneous.
In Milchian/Kierkegaardian terms, I'm going to work out the dialectical calculus as a means of releasing the movement of Spirit in my overly-reflective mind.
Hopefully that will help me write what God has for me to write.
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Lurking out there is a script I will finish before May. I will, I will, I will!
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Quasi-officially, I'm working on Blondel's thesis from 1893, Action, as well as Kant's Critique of Practical Reason and a whole host of hermeneutical approaches to theology with Fred Lawrence, a Lonerganian who teaches at BC. Also, reading through the Republic over a couple of weeks w/ friends to prep 2nd year-ers for Comps.
Gotta try to get some scholarships for next year as well. This place is wildly expensive.

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Other little projects?:
- start making my own fancy coffee at home
- get my apartment likewise fancy.
- finish off the last tid-bit of credit card debt.
- get another (big) tattoo
- don't fuck it up w/ a girl
Godspeed, everybody.
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