The sun has been streaming light in through my windows all day, different angle by different angle, until the golden yellow wash is only a hue across the shades and the dirty window screens. At one point I took a walk to escape its deceptive illumination, stopping only for coffee and to realize I wasn't going anywhere in particular. I know exactly what I should be doing and that's precisely what I would never do on a day like today.
Studying the Transcendental Dialectic is fine as long as no one in authority is saying you should. Moreover, I won't be cleaning today. Ancillary writing projects have been opened, stared at and closed repeatedly. "I made lunch," is the day's accomplishment.
She hasn't called me.
The songs I hear are more complicated than sad.
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"I'm not much, but I'm all I think about."
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There is, in the tragic, the humanization of the despicable. If sin is just the transgression of a rule, and Original Sin means we must transgress the rule(s), then tragedy is the human condition. There is only the interminable dissonance of moral demand and human action. The Law and the people, fundamentally at odds.
Grace, more than the erasure of the atomized transgression of a rule, might be the meta-melody harmonizing the melody of The Law and the melody of human life under a new, fuller tune. An orchestration of the diverse and polymorphous forms of human moral destitution.
All good deeds contain in them no purity of motive.
Every misdeed is, at root, a pursuit of our only pure motive.
Gnosticism was never a satisfying option.
"The reconciling yes...is the determinate being of an 'I' expanded into duality." G.W.F. Hegel, The Phenomenology of Spirit, Chapter six, Paragraph 671.
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"Alive With The Glory Of Love," Say Anything (Thanks, John B)
Even the least sophisticated (and marginally obscene) sexual expression, can, by the principles of its association to a context, be found to contain the loftiest of human truths.
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The Derridians in my life (thanks again, John B) have convinced me; I'm so over the (fancifully nostalgic) obsession with purity. Lets find the redemptive harmonization of life, in its fullness, instead.
1 comment:
where are you getting these beautiful photos?
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