Somewhere, a couple rows of the calender away, is lurking the beginning of a new semester at BC. Learning about smart, dead philosophers. Applying to PHD programs all over the place. Re-taking the GRE. Co-organizing your Readers Series, you comps-laden Masters students. New boss in the IT office, who looks to be a by-the-booker. Oh, how exhausting you by-the-bookers are. Another office job for that there Lonergan Institute.
Those and a few other concerns have been weighing on me. I haven't had the courage...or faith, maybe, to start writing fiction again since I finished and submitted my Esquire shorts story. Been baking a lot though. I'm quietly hoping to cook more, but we'll see if anything actually comes of that.
But FIRST: a trip to Chicago.
I'm hoping to find in that little jaunt a little reboot and the opportunity to come back to responsible, structured life with a fresh start.
Now: a number of other things and associations.
Whaddya say we find a place to sit and relax, you and me?

Or something more unique to hide out in, floating amongst the trees.

Or bring some little hiding world amongst our day to day, glinting green on our desks.

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