Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This is boring. Don't read it.

That flu was accompanied by strep throat, because when it rains, it fucking pours. I didn't see 'outside' for three days, so when I felt marginally human on Thursday, I went to the doctor, got groceries(sorry everyone at Trader Joes, Brookline), cleaned my apartment and did laundry. Staring at the ceiling and trying to discern fever-dreams from reality just isn't that mentally invigorating. I had to do SOMETHING as soon as I was able. If only to get momentum, since I was two days behind at work and a week behind at school...oy, not good timing for this business.

Customary end-o-semester blog listing:
- Presentation for Hermeneutics of Fiction, tonight: Basically Done
- Paper for Hermeneutics of Fiction: 1/3rd done.
- Final Kant Synopsis: Not Started
- Hegel Presentation, due in one week: Barely started
- Hegel Paper: Not started

So, I'm freaking out a little bit. You know, just a little nervous inflammation around the mind and the spirit. The gentle flutter of anxiety-attacks in my chest.

Had a date on Saturday w/ all-night-dancing/late-night-pizza girl from the previous entry. Her name is Katie, by the way. A really, really great date. Thai food and then conversation until the waiter firmly-but-politely asked us to leave. Then dancing w/ friends. I keep trying to write down all her amiable qualities, and it all sounds so cliche (cute, funny, sweet, etc), but suffice to say that I find her quite agreeable so far.

I think it makes her a little nervous that I don't own a TV.

I bought a plane ticket to Chicago for Dec. 31st, so I'll be there at least the first 5 days of January, though I may stay as late as the 10th. Depends on whether I go to New York or not.

This has been a very no-nonsense post. I promise to be back to my artsy-fartsy-ness soon. I'm really just killing time right now while I run virus scans at work.

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