Monday, September 29, 2008

Smiles and Tears

Since I'm wide awake and it's well past bed time, how about a few thoughts? A few, marginally connected thoughts:

- The world is so BEAUTIFUL! It's just chockers with this beauty stuff. Rain drops clinging on the minute leaves of a hedge and sparkling in the street lights. The soft velvet of a cloud nestled on a New England hill, enveloping a walk home. The breath-stealing pressure of bass-drum-hits in an oak-and-leather pub. The tender tear of sandwich bread around spicy meatballs and tangy marinara, swallowed with a swig of cream soda. Televised performances of historical mourning. Parisians wearing gifted ties. Stone-work buildings with fancy windows and long, well worn tables. Three piece rock bands from Wheaton, Illinois. Fancy, fancy root beer.

- The world is so SAD. I'm haunted everywhere by the beauty's concomitant sadness. The creeping loneliness of proximity over community. The stupid, thoughtless, irresponsibility of lenders and borrowers. Everyone's oblivion to everyone else's hurt and confusion. The ways we hide our hurt and confusion, mostly from ourselves. Partisan hackery. Misplaced hope. Fanciful obsessions and the traps we return to willingly. Sin, sin and sin.

- Both make me feel so FULL! I'm bursting these days. Smiles and tears, both in good supply.



Mari said...

Ah! Root beer and ties! You bless me so much, Mr. Heaps. I love your words. I LOVE that you are bursting--as you should be!! I think God intended for us to burst...

Hope to chat with you soon, Sir, it's always really spectacular to hear about your thoughts and life.

The Vengeance said...

I love it. Way neat. I really enjoyed reading this.

hyacinthgirl said...

So, would I be correct to infer that you think it's impossible to love someone you don't understand?

Regardless, I agree that we should definitely talk more.